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What is Reiki

What the heck is reiki 

Heres a little break down


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and disease and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.


The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.


Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

*Benefits of Reiki:

* 1. *Stress Reduction:* Reiki promotes relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety. It helps calm the mind and allows the body to enter a state of deep relaxation, which can aid in stress management.

2. *Pain Management:* Reiki can alleviate pain and discomfort by promoting the body's natural healing mechanisms. It's often used as a complementary therapy for chronic pain conditions.

3. *Energy Balance:* Reiki works with the body's energy, balancing the flow of vital life force energy (also known as "ki" or "chi"). This balance can improve overall well-being and vitality.

4. *Emotional Healing:* Reiki can release emotional blockages and help individuals process and heal from past emotional traumas. It fosters a sense of emotional well-being and inner peace.

5. *Enhanced Immune System:* Regular Reiki sessions may boost the immune system, making the body more resilient to illnesses and promoting faster recovery.

6. *Clarity and Focus:* Reiki can enhance mental clarity and concentration. Many people report improved decision-making and a greater sense of purpose after Reiki sessions.

7. *Spiritual Growth:* Reiki often leads to a deepening of spiritual awareness and connection. It can help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and intuition.

8. *Improved Sleep:* Many clients experience improved sleep patterns after Reiki sessions. It can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with insomnia or sleep disturbances.

Spiritual Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is a holistic energy healing practice that is believed to offer various spiritual benefits. These benefits are often experienced by individuals who receive regular Reiki sessions and are deeply connected to their spiritual journey. Here are some of the spiritual benefits of Reiki:

1. *Enhanced Spiritual Awareness:*

Reiki can help individuals become more attuned to their own spiritual nature. It promotes a sense of self-awareness and inner peace, allowing them to connect with their higher selves and spiritual guides.

2. *Balanced Energy Centres (Chakras):*

Reiki aims to balance and cleanse the body's energy centres, or chakras. When these energy centers are harmonized, individuals often report a greater sense of spiritual alignment and well-being.

3. *Intuition and Insight:*

Regular Reiki practice can enhance one's intuition and inner wisdom. It may lead to heightened intuitive abilities, making it easier to receive spiritual guidance and insights.

4. *Emotional Healing:*

Reiki can facilitate the release of emotional blockages and past traumas. This emotional healing can free individuals from burdens that hinder their spiritual growth and self-realization.

5. *Connection to Higher Self:*

Reiki can foster a deeper connection with one's higher self or soul. This connection allows individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and gain a greater understanding of their life's purpose and spiritual path.

6. *Stress Reduction:*

By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, Reiki can create a conducive environment for spiritual exploration. A calm and centered mind is more receptive to spiritual experiences.

7. *Energetic Cleansing:*

Reiki practitioners often report feeling energetically cleansed and purified after sessions. This purification process can help remove spiritual "clutter" and blockages, allowing for greater spiritual clarity.

8. *Alignment with Universal Energy:*

Reiki practitioners believe that the energy they channel during sessions is universal life force energy. This alignment with universal energy can lead to a profound sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the cosmos.

9. *Spiritual Growth:*

Reiki is seen as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. As individuals release old patterns and embrace their true selves, they often experience significant spiritual evolution.

10. *Connection to Spiritual Guides:*

Some individuals report an increased ability to connect with their spiritual guides or guardian angels through Reiki. This connection can provide guidance and support on their spiritual journey.

11. *Inner Peace:*

Reiki sessions often induce a deep state of inner peace and tranquility. This inner peace can be a foundation for spiritual exploration and mindfulness.

It's important to note that the spiritual benefits of Reiki can be highly personal and subjective. Different individuals may have unique experiences, and the depth of spiritual transformation can vary. Reiki is often used in conjunction with other spiritual practices and modalities to enhance one's overall spiritual growth and development.

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