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Magical candles

Magical candles

🕯️ "Illuminate Your Desires with Enchanted Spell Candles 🕯️

Elevate your spiritual practice and manifest your dreams with our exquisite Spell Candles. Each candle is meticulously crafted, rolled in relevant herbs, infused with essential oils, charged under the moon's energy, and set with a specific intention to bring magic into your life.

🪄 Our Selection of Spell Candles:

1. **Manifesting Candle:** Ignite your intentions and watch them come to life. Clear quartz and frankincense oil enhance your manifesting power.

2. **Love/Desire Candle:** Set the stage for romance and passion. Rose petals and rose oil create an ambiance of love and desire.

3. **Forgiveness/Peace Candle:** Release grudges and find inner peace. Lavender and chamomile herbs help you forgive and heal.

4. **Abundance Candle:** Attract financial prosperity. Citrine crystals and cinnamon oil pave the way for abundance.

5. **Prosperity Candle:** Invite wealth and opportunities. Green aventurine and basil oil empower your financial growth.

6. **Intuition Candle:** Deepen your inner guidance. Amethyst crystals and frankincense oil enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

7. **Guidance Candle:** Seek divine direction in your journey. Angelica root and sandalwood oil connect you with spiritual guidance.

8. **Connection Candle:** Strengthen your bonds with others. Rhodonite and ylang-ylang oil foster harmonious connections.

9. **Confidence Candle:** Boost your self-assurance. Yellow jasper and bergamot oil empower you with unwavering confidence.

10. **Happiness Candle:** Fill your life with joy and positivity. Sunflower petals and lavender oil create a sunny disposition.

11. **Protection Candle:** Ward off negativity and unwanted energy. Obsidian and juniper oil shield you with protective energy.

12. **Spiritual Connection Candle:** Deepen your spiritual practice. Selenite and frankincense oil enhance your connection with the divine.

🌙 Each Spell Candle is a work of art, carefully handcrafted to channel the energy of the universe into your space. Whether you're seeking manifestation, love, forgiveness, abundance, or any other intention, our Spell Candles are designed to support your journey.

🪄 Illuminate your path with these enchanting Spell Candles and experience the magic of intention. Light one today to transform your life in beautiful and meaningful ways.

🕯️ Order your Spell Candles now and let the power of herbs, oils, and intention enhance your spiritual journey. 🕯️

Once you have purchased please email me the one/ ones you would like .

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